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Patient Information

for a healthy and beautiful smile that you can be proud of

Infection Prevention and Control

At Bayshore Dental Centre, your health and safety matters the most. Our constant commitment to infection control from the moment you enter Bayshore Dental Centre ensures that there are several safeguards in place.

Please note that during the current COVID-19 pandemic, Bayshore Dental Centre has instituted further policies to ensure the safety of all patients entering the practice.

The required screening procedure is available below or over the phone prior to your appointment and on the day of your appointment ensuring public safety during these extraordinary times.

Dummy toggle so all others remain closed.
State-of-the-art sterilization

Our state-of-the-art sterilization centre meets and exceeds all Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Ontario Public Health guidelines. In addition, a digital tracking process using specialized software (Sterisimple) allows for verification that all equipment is sterile before use.

Public Health Ontario

Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario

Surface disinfection
Thorough surface disinfection of all areas of patient contact from waiting room to treatment room is performed after every patient encounter.
Barrier Protection

Appropriate barrier protection is used by all staff members including gowns, surgical masks, gloves and eyewear to ensure full protection from aerosol transmission.


Enhanced Air Filtration

Enhanced Air Filtration Equipment is used in isolated procedure rooms where aerosols are generated. The use of Surgically Clean Air air filtration units ensures that the air is cleansed of all aerosols with a HEPA filter, carbon filter and UV filter.

Enhanced Air Filtration

New Patients

At Bayshore Dental Centre, we always welcome new patients.  Our goal is for all appointments to be punctual and for all patients to be very satisfied with their dental treatment. We recognize and respect the value of your time and money, and we strive to offer treatment with reasonable costs and accurate estimates.

Book an appointment today.  We look forward to seeing you!

Patient Forms


Please take this self-assessment prior to your appointment at Bayshore Dental Centre.

The information will be used to determine whether there are any special considerations for your dental appointment.